Differentiation through Technology

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Differentiation through Technology

Differentiation through Technology


Balancing a standards-based curriculum to meet the needs of each student can be quite challenging. By using the technology standards framework, along with other standards will help amplify or transform learning (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019). It is also important that schools adopt a rich and rigorous curriculum that meets the needs of the whole student (The Standards-Based Teaching/Learning Cycle, 2012). The curriculum must be balanced and intentionally aligned from one grade level to the next. Teachers can collaborate through vertical articulation. This will address gaps within the curriculum that will help personalize instruction and meet the needs of each student (The Standards-Based Teaching/Learning Cycle, 2012).

When determining how to integrate creativity in a standards-based system, it is essential to consider the learning needs of gifted students (Burke-Adams, 2007). This is where the teacher can collaborate with the gifted teacher to help plan lessons that incorporate high cognitive demand questions and tasks.

In order to accommodate the needs of each student, it is essential to use the resources and support staff available at your school. It is important that the reading resource teacher, media specialist, math coach, special area teachers, and most importantly the educational technologist to help us create lessons that are engaging.

Here are some technology best practices that I incorporate into my lessons that I find beneficial.  I make sure each lesson is well organized and meets the standard. Each objective is clearly communicated. I also like to use a variety of technology activities, so my students don’t get bored. I am a huge fan of students collaboratively working together. This allows them to find their leadership strength and their classmates strength. Lastly, I must be patient because I know my students cannot type as fast as I can!



Roblyer, M. D., & Hughes, J. E. (2019). Integrating educational technology into teaching: transforming learning across disciplines. Pearson Education, Inc.

Burke-Adams, A. (2007). The benefits of equalizing standards and creativity: discovering a balance in instruction. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ750576.pdf.

The standards-based teaching/learning cycle. (2012). https://www.cde.state.co.us/fedprograms/dl/ti_a-ti_sstmembers_standardsbased



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