
Showing posts from February, 2021

Web Based Assessment

  Web Based Assessment   Wixie Water Cycle Project Wixie Water Cycle Rubric Criteria 4 3 2 1 Your Score The student has created a Wixie project that clearly and accurately describes each part of the water cycle. All components of the water cycle slides are clearly and accurately described, including: Title page Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Complete water cycle Most of the water cycle slides are clearly and accurately described. Some of the water cycle slides are clearly and accurately described. The water cycle slides are unclear and do not accurately describe each part. 1 2 3 4 The student has created a drawing of each part of the water cycle. A drawing has been created for each part of the water cycle: Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Complete water cycle Most of the drawings

Technology Lesson

How to create a video in Video Editor Today I tried Video Editor and Voice Recorder in Microsoft. I chose this technology tool because I did not know much about it. I incorporated it into this week’s Social Studies lesson. It is extremely user friendly. I was able to figure out how to upload images and understand the purpose of each tab. I had the most difficulty trying to figure out how to upload audio to my video. After several attempts I was successful. I am so pleased with this tool and I highly recommend it. It is fun, engaging, and the students can be creative. Here is the finished video lesson. Different Types of Maps

Gaming the the Classroom

  Gaming in the Classroom Gaming in the Classroom Gaming has become immensely popular in elementary schools. My students get excited when they have time to game which makes learning more engaging. Students want learning experiences that are academically stimulating while still retaining a certain level of entertainment value (Kadoun, 2015). Jeopardy, Khan Academy, Mega Math, and Clever are incorporated into my weekly lessons. Escape Rooms have been created for my gifted students. Gaming allows students to be creative, practice problem-solving, and build social skills. There are some classroom challenges when it comes to gaming. There has been a negative perception from teachers and administrators, lack of proper technology, costly, alignment to standards, and shorter class periods (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019). To keep searching safe, our parents and students must sign a technology contract. I also use Safe YouTube, so inappropriate ads do not show up on my SmartBoard. Gaming options
  Professional Organizations

Data Collection

Data Collection Data Collection         Data is what drives my instruction. However, the data I collect and analyze must be rich and meaningful. Before you can begin collecting any data, you need to know exactly what you are trying to learn from the data that will be gathered (Lynch, 2019). I collect weekly data from reading tests that cover the skills that were taught that week. I also use the guided questions that pertain to the story as a data piece. In math, I will assign tasks in Think Central and I can quickly collect data on standards. I love using exit tickets after I teach a lesson. The exit ticket is a quick way to see who understood the skill being taught. It lets me know who needs reteaching and who will benefit from enrichment activities. I also collect data through simply observing my students. Data collection is an essential part of an effective classroom (Lynch, 2019). I am a big fan of Excel and this is my choice for recording the data I collect on my students in readi